Join the Ihya Schools Network
Interested in starting a school? Our Onboarding Process is an 18-month timeline to set you up for a successful launch. We guide start up teams through a structured process from discernment, to launch, and continuous improvement. Schedule an Inquiry Call below to get started.
Licensing Process
Step 1: Inquire
Fill out the Initial Inquiry Form with your contact information and location of interest.
Step 2: Get Acquainted
Upon receipt of your Initial Inquiry Form, we will contact you to set a date and time to speak with the Director. It is a no obligation call, more of an informal conversation to get to know each other.
Step 3: Application
After this initial call, if our team believes you meet the personality and financial profiles, we will send you a more comprehensive application.
Step 4: Evaluation
While you review the documentation, our team will evaluate your application. You can expect some back and forth calls or emails during this phase. If we confirm you as a qualified candidate, you will be invited to join us for an in-depth look at Revival Ihya School!
Benefits for Ihya Schools
Operational Framework
Tools, templates, and training to guide schools through launch and formal accreditation.
Formation Program
Intellectual, spiritual, and character formation emphasizing the development of Islamic virtues and an appreciation of truth and beauty.
Integrated Curriculum
A rigorous, classically-based Muslim education with daily lesson plans and resources to equip teachers.
Ongoing Support
Mentorship, coaching, and best practices to help each stakeholder group operate effectively.
Brand & Marketing
Use of Ihya tradename, logo, and high-quality branding and marketing tools
We are a growing, global community united under one vision, and committed to dawah and khidma through education.
Schedule an Inquiry Call
Questions about bringing Ihya to your area or the school start-up process? Fill out our inquiry form below.
Before your meeting, please be sure to review our introductory materials, academic model, and approach. We look forward to connecting with you insh’Allah!
View Introductory Materials
This service is under Ihya Academy LLC
Preserve the Fitra.