313 Guardians

A small, but mighty force.

“How many times has a small force vanquished a mighty army by the Will of Allah! And Allah is ˹always˺ with the steadfast.” 2: 249

In these uncertain times, our children need a shield—guardians who are resolute, courageous, and unwavering in their mission to protect their future. Just as the companions at Badr stood together to change the course of history, you too can be part of a powerful movement to safeguard the next generation.

We are calling on you to support the revival of our spiritual, moral, and intellectual traditions. With your help, we can provide children with a wholesome, natural education that inspires a lifelong love of learning and service to humanity.

Your donation today ensures that:

Giving a consistent amount each month will help establish Revival Ihya School as a high-quality Muslim educational institution and serve as a beacon of light for generations to come. 

As a member of the 313 Guardians, you will receive:

A monthly e-newsletter keeping you updated on the impact of your support and a number card in memory of one of the 313 sahabah at the Battle of Badr, reminding us of the legacy we carry forward.

Be part of this movement. Join the 313 Guardians today and become a beacon of hope and change for our children. Complete the form below and take the first step toward shaping a brighter tomorrow.

Together, we can guard the fitrah—one child at a time.

Join us Today

If 313 donors give $30 a month we will achieve our goal insh’Allah. This amount will sustain our daily operations in the school and provide a high-quality, educational experience for our students, teachers, and staff.

Revival Ihya is a 501c3 nonprofit. Your generous contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law.